“Use it or lose it”

That’s a common perception of long-term care coverage, but not anymore. There is a game-changing annuity solution that redefines the way we think about long-term care coverage.

Security and Opportunity Combined

Your clients no longer have to worry about losing their investment. Here’s why this is the future of long-term care coverage:

  • Growth with Protection: With a 10% S&P cap and a 5.5% fixed rate your client’s premium can grow if the LTC benefits aren’t needed.
  • The Long-Term Care Rider: Ensures you’re clients are covered when they need long-term care services.
  • No Declines: Unlike traditional long-term care insurance this product guarantees coverage for all applicants.
  • Tax-free benefits: Gains in the annuity, including 1035 exchanges, can be tax free when used for qualified LTC.

Unlock a 9% Commission Opportunity!

As an additional incentive, we’re excited to announce that you can earn an 8% commission with our solution.

Plus, there’s a limited-time 1% commission bonus in effect until 12-31-2023, bringing your total potential commission to 9%.

Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity.

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