By now, you have heard Mark Mrky and Rob Haynie talk about how beneficial the life settlement option can be for you and/or your clients.

Who’s really buying these policies? What are investors aiming for?

In this interview, Mark and Rob sit down with Richard Beleutz, the founder and chief executive officer of AIR Asset Management, to talk about life settlements, but from the buyer’s perspective.

They will also reveal:

  • The growing interest of investment advisors in the life settlements space and the importance of educating clients about the option of selling their policies
  • What you should know about the safeguards in place to protect the seller’s privacy and information
  • How investment advisory groups and broker-dealers miss a huge opportunity by not allowing their advisors to engage in a life settlement transaction (mainly due to the lack of education
  • Ways the life settlements area is a close-knit community and the value of getting comfortable with the space before investing in it
  • What’s the minimum required to invest in the life settlements industry

Don’t miss out, you have clients and prospects in need of this powerful game-changing solution.

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