There’s a lot of misinformation out there when it comes to life settlements. Some media outsiders have actually claimed it is preferable to go direct to a provider instead of working with a professional broker. They couldn’t be more wrong — in fact, going direct to a provider virtually guarantees that you will get the smallest-possible offer for your client, as well as for yourself in terms of commission.

Now more than ever, seniors are cash-strapped and desperate for help financially. Many of them are strongly considering surrendering or letting their policies lapse. By working with a broker, you can generate up to 5X MORE for your clients than if they surrendered?

It is very important to work with someone who knows all the players when it comes to marketing a life insurance policy in the secondary marketplace. There are literally thousands of examples where a seller came to us having already received an offer directly from a provider. What happened next was a competitive bidding process that increased that offer significantly to that same seller and that included a fully disclosed commission. By working with a life settlement broker, like LIS, we can ensure the most competitive bidding process, meaning thousands more for your client — as well as for you.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity, agents are earning up to an additional 6-Figures by partnering with a Life Settlement Pro.

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