Join CSI Financial Group on January 22nd at 1:00 ET to learn how we solve the number one issue agents face on a daily basis…Client Acquisition.

Special guest, CEO and Founder of Synergistic Partners will be sharing a field-tested process that secures ideal clients. You’ll learn how we took an agent working as a server making $90K/year and turned him into an “estate planning specialist” making over $250K/Year in less than 2 YEARS.

There has never been a better time to break into the estate and legacy planning space:

  • Learn best practices for incorporating life insurance and annuities into the client portfolio
  • Learn the proprietary tax mitigation strategies from Andrew Victor and his team
  • Receive ongoing support post-event and have access to producers who have turned this process into a revenue-generating opportunity unlike any other.

BONUS: Qualifying agents will have the opportunity to join us at our upcoming Exclusive Training Event, At the event you’ll learn the step-by-step process of how to implement our client acquisition model with our foundational approach to “estate planning for the mass affluent.”

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