Tap into the federal employee marketplace by helping government employees who are in transition towards retirement. We help you become the benefits expert that federal employees are looking for by helping them navigate through their benefit options. (TSP rollovers can average over $350,000 in assets per lead opportunity)
- Work with federal employees statewide that are concerned about their benefit options.
- The only pre-qualified Federal Marketing System in the nation.
- Get appointments booked on your calendar (Average lead has 350k in liquid assets).
- Get enrolled as a Federal Employee Benefit Planner with exclusive territories on a state level.
- Turn-key sales presentation tools, retirement income planning software + top-level support.
Access a video that covers all the details of this exclusive federal employee program.
Bonus: As an enrolled Federal Employee Benefit Planner agent in our network, you get a personalized landing page through our Federal Benefits Now website set up at NO COST.
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